Welcome to IOTAguide

This guide is going to explain how to create an ERC20 token, not ERC721 (aka NFT) See upcoming guide for NFTs

Note: Metamask is required for this guide. See installation here.

1. Create the smart contract

Go to https://wizard.openzeppelin.com

Create a contract, with (1.) a custom name and symbol, (2.) a premint amout (aka the amount you start with) and finally (3.) select if you want it to be mintable if you want to add more later and if you want it burnable (if you want to be able to destroy them)


2. Export to Remix IDE


3. Compile the code

Simply press the big blue button

Simply press the big blue button

4. Export your smart contract

Switch to the deploy tab


Select Injected Web3 environment


A window should popup to connect metamask


Press Next and Connect